What sets Alpine Ranch CrossFit apart, is our dedication to helping Adaptive Athletes train for life.
With support from Challenged Athletes Foundation and Operation Rebound, Alpine Ranch CrossFit will always be available as a proving grounds for these men and women to walk, run, strength train and condition like a champion through CrossFit training.
Whether you are pre or post prosthetic, partial paralysis, or TBI – Alpine Ranch CrossFit will assist in teaching you how to excel in fitness.
We have established a welcoming environment for adaptive athletes to come and lean on each other for support while also becoming stronger in both mind, body and spirit. In turn, their mental and physical strength will inspire everyone around them. It is our mission to create an environment that is inclusive for all!
See the below pictures for some of our Adaptive Athletes we have trained over the years.
If you are an Adaptive Athlete and would like to visit Alpine Ranch CrossFit and try out CrossFit training for a day or Train for Life… Give Coach Chappie a call!